servicex.func_adl package


servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset module

class servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset.FuncADLQuery(item_type: Type = typing.Any)[source]

Bases: QueryStringGenerator, EventDataset[T], ABC

ServiceX Dataset class that uses func_adl query syntax.


Generate Qastle from this AST


Qastle representation of the target’s AST

check_data_format_request(f_name: str)[source]

Required override of EventDataset

default_codegen: str | None = None
async execute_result_async(a: AST, title: str | None = None) Any[source]

Required override of EventDataset

generate_qastle(a: AST) str[source]

Generate the qastle from the ast of the query.

1. The top level function is already marked as being “ok” 1. If the top level function is something we have to process locally,

then we strip it off.


a (ast.AST) – The complete AST of the request.


Qastle that should be sent to servicex

Return type:


generate_selection_string() str[source]

override with the selection string to send to ServiceX

set_provided_qastle(qastle: str)[source]
set_tree(tree_name: str) FuncADLQuery[T][source]

Set the tree name for the query. :param tree_name: Name of the tree to use for the query :type tree_name: str


The Dataset with the tree appended to the first call object

class servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset.FuncADLQuery_ATLASr21(item_type: Type = typing.Any)[source]

Bases: FuncADLQuery

default_codegen: str | None = 'atlasr21'
yaml_tag = '!FuncADL_ATLASr21'
class servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset.FuncADLQuery_ATLASr22(item_type: Type = typing.Any)[source]

Bases: FuncADLQuery

default_codegen: str | None = 'atlasr22'
yaml_tag = '!FuncADL_ATLASr22'
class servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset.FuncADLQuery_ATLASxAOD(item_type: Type = typing.Any)[source]

Bases: FuncADLQuery

default_codegen: str | None = 'atlasxaod'
yaml_tag = '!FuncADL_ATLASxAOD'
class servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset.FuncADLQuery_CMS(item_type: Type = typing.Any)[source]

Bases: FuncADLQuery

default_codegen: str | None = 'cms'
yaml_tag = '!FuncADL_CMS'
class servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset.FuncADLQuery_Uproot(item_type: Type = typing.Any)[source]

Bases: FuncADLQuery

default_codegen: str | None = 'uproot'
classmethod from_yaml(_, node)[source]

override with the selection string to send to ServiceX

set_provided_qastle(qastle_query: str)[source]
yaml_tag = '!FuncADL_Uproot'

servicex.func_adl.func_adl_dataset_group module

servicex.func_adl.util module

servicex.func_adl.util.has_col_names(a: AST) bool[source]

Determine if any column names were specified in this request.


a (ast.AST) – The complete AST of the request.


True if no column names were specified, False otherwise.

Return type:


servicex.func_adl.util.has_tuple(a: AST) bool[source]

Determine if this query used tuples in its final result

NOTE: This can’t do depth searches in a really complex query - then you need to follow best practices.


a (ast.AST) – The query


True if the final Select statement has tuples or not.

Return type:


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